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Learning Packages

EAA has curated our award winning Internet-Free Education Resource Bank (IFERB) materials with other targeted educational content to design a complete one month interdisciplinary and screen-free learning journey across multiple subjects and age-groups. These learning packages are designed as workbooks that are divided into weekly and daily plans to guide parents and children - all in a fun and engaging way!

The Learning Packages are simple, ready-to-use, holistic and interactive student facing tools that combine our existing IFERB resources into month-long targeted workbooks.

The Learning Packages are created for five levels of learners between the ages of 2-14 years and include projects, games, activities and worksheets. They cover five learning tracks, all of which include literacy-numeracy skill-building and socio-emotional learning elements:

  • Early Childhood Development
  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • World Around Us (Science and Social Science)
  • Social Emotional Learning

Each Learning Package has a diagnostic assessment to help choose a workbook based on the child’s level and a completion certificate.

It is recommended to read the briefing note and instruction manual before using them or refer to the complete educator facing materials available in the links below.

For additional open source materials please refer to our complete IFERB to find hundreds of more including Project-Based Learning resources, Math Games and the Activity Bank for Disabilities.

The Content of the learning packages were created with the support of Amal Alliance, Pratham Storyweaver and Dream a Dream, India.

Please do provide your feedback and experience using these tools. IDD has a collection of educator training and evaluation tools beyond what is published, for more support please email us at:

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