What's In The News? (Level 1)
Learners will write their own newspaper reporting on COVID19 and designing the other sections
How do we research into and present information on current news?
Learners will write their own newspaper reporting on COVID19 and designing the other sections
How do we research into and present information on current news?
Learners will design their own number line to better grasp number sense and conduct simple addition functions.
Can you make your own number line?
Learners will explore and count numbers from 31 to 40.
How many tail feathers does your peacock have?
The learner will use essential household items to set up their own store at home or in school. The learner will choose, sort, label, and price items to sell in their stores.
What would you sell in your store?
The learners will make ID cards for themselves, their friends, or their family members to learn about their differences and similarities. Learners will practice their writing and fine motor skills and introduce new vocabulary.
How can ID cards capture similarities, differences, and other personal information about people?
Learners will learn how to count between 21 to 30 and design their cat whiskers to grasp the concept of counting (forward & backward) and writing numbers 21 to 30.
Can you draw a cat and count its whiskers?
Learners will practice ways to deal with conflicts in a healthy way, learn to manage their own feelings and identify those of others to develop healthy relationships and emotional intelligence.
Can I express myself effectively and with empathy during conflicts?
Learners will practice ways to deal with conflicts in a healthy way, learn to manage their own feelings and identify those of others to develop healthy relationships and emotional intelligence.
Can I express myself effectively and with empathy during conflicts?
Learners will practice ways to deal with conflicts in a healthy way, learn to manage their own feelings and identify those of others to develop healthy relationships and emotional intelligence.
Can I express myself effectively and with empathy during conflicts?
In this project, the learner will design a stadium and pitch for their home country to host the next FIFA World Cup!
Can you help your country host the next World Cup?
PBL resources organized by theme to give learners a more focused learning experience
Ready-to-use, holistic, and interactive student-facing tools that combine our existing IFERB resources into month-long workbooks.
Innovation Development in EAA works towards identifying persistent challenges in global education, designing and developing innovative solutions to make learning accessible to all, particularly to the hardest-to-reach children and youth in underserved communities. We created IFERB, an award-winning learning approach with diverse and engaging resources to help children learn from the world around them.