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Learning Packages

EAA has curated our award winning Internet-Free Education Resource Bank (IFERB) materials with other targeted educational content to design a complete one month interdisciplinary and screen-free learning journey across multiple subjects and age-groups. These learning packages are designed as workbooks that are divided into weekly and daily plans to guide parents and children - all in a fun and engaging way!

The Learning Packages are simple, ready-to-use, holistic and interactive student facing tools that combine our existing IFERB resources into month-long targeted workbooks.

Each Learning Package has a diagnostic assessment to help choose a workbook based on the child’s level and a completion certificate.

Browse Learning Packages:
Can you make your own coloring book?
Activity Book
Can you make your own coloring book?
Numeracy (Level 0)
Can you make your own coloring book?
Literacy (Level 0)
Can you make your own coloring book?
Numeracy (Level 1)
Can you make your own coloring book?
Literacy (Level 1)
Can you make your own coloring book?
World Around Us (Level 1)
Can you make your own coloring book?
Literacy (Level 3)
Can you make your own coloring book?
Numeracy (Level 3)
Can you make your own coloring book?
World Around Us (Level 3)

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