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KWL (Informational Passages/Books)

Ask the learner to think about what they already Know about a topic, what they Want to learn about it and after reading about the topic, to reflect on what they have Learned.


This activity helps learners get a deeper understanding of the content and better retain the information by activating prior knowledge and making connections.

  • Step 1

    Make a chart with three columns saying: Know, Want to know and Learned.

  • Step 2

    Choose a new book the learner has not read before. Before starting the book, look at the title and the pictures. Discuss and write down what they know about the topic under the Know column.

  • Step 3

    Next, discuss and write down what they Want to learn so that while they are reading, they will be more aware of this information if it is provided.

  • Step 4

    Finally, begin reading the book. While reading or once the book is done, discuss and write about what they have Learned from it - any new facts they learned or thoughts that they have about the topic now.

  • Additional Exercise

    Do this activity with a friend or in a group. When they have each finished filling out their sheets, discuss three columns to see the differences and what everyone learned.

  • Simplified Exercise

    This activity can be orally narrated and discussed instead of written down.

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