Two or more people pick a card each. The person with the higher number will move their car one step ahead. Whoever reaches the finish line first, wins.
To ensure the learners are able to compare number values.
Step 1
Help the learner create about 20-30 number cards. (cut an A4 piece of paper in 8 or 12 cards)
Step 2
Next, ask the learner to get two toy cars and create a race track on some chart paper like the one in the picture.
Step 3
Then, place the cars on the starting position and each person pick up a number card. The person with the higher number moves one step forward.
Step 4
Finally, the person who reaches the finish line first, wins.
Additional Exercise
Use numbers in the tens, hundreds or thousands or even larger to make it more challenging. The number cards can also be decimals, fractions or integers if the learner knows them.
For a longer project where the learner can create their own math games, please refer to Math Cards here: Link