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Take it Away

Two or more people take turns subtracting. The person who gets the lower total collects the cards. Keep going until one person loses all their cards.


This activity ensures the learners are able to do basic operations mentally.

  • Step 1

    Deal the number cards (1-9) from a playing cards deck to all the players.

  • Step 2

    Next, the players look at their cards and make a 2 digit number using two cards (e.g.: if I have 3, 6, 7 and 9, I can make numbers such as 36 and 97, etc.)

  • Step 3

    Then, each player subtracts the smallest number from their largest number and tells the answer (e.g.: 97-36= 51). This should be done mentally, if possible.

  • Step 4

    The player with the highest number for the answer keeps their cards, but the other players return their cards to the bottom of the middle pile.

  • Step 5

    Keep going until the cards are all done. The person with the most cards wins.

  • Additional Exercise

    This game can be played with addition, multiplication or division too!

  • Simplified Exercise

    Use only 1 digit numbers, using 1 card, and subtracting the smallest number from the largest number.

    Ask the learner to make their own number cards. About 30-40, with any number they wish to have.

  • For a longer project where the learner can create their own math games, please refer to Math Cards here: Link

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