The projects are designed to be low on resources and technology free. These are developed keeping the learning outcomes of the specified age group in mind. We have attempted to make the projects engaging and related to multiple subjects and learning. Each of the projects is across approximately a week for about an hour a day, these can help in contexts without online-schooling options or to supplement it.

We intend for these projects to be adapted and contextualized to your context. Please do share feedback of student work and updated projects using the following link: Feedback Form

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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Girl raising her hand to indicate no
Good Touch, Bad Touch (Level 1)

Children will identify private body parts, recognize the difference between good and bad touch, and understand how to respond to bad touch.


How can you keep your body safe from others?

Total Time Required:
Approximately 4 hours over 4 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (High)
Science, Literacy, Art and Design
Developed By
EAA Team
Resources Required
My Place Value Machine (Level 1)

Learners will design their own place value machine to gain a deeper understanding of number bonding and learn to recognize and understand place value

Leading Question:

How many tens of chocolates do you need to have 30 chocolates?

Total Time Required:
75 minutes over 3 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (Medium)
Mathematics, Literacy
Developed By
EAA Team
Resources Required
Bonding with Numbers (Level 1)

Learners will Play & design his/her games to grasp the concept of number bonds (1-10) while learning simple addition up to 10.

Leading Question:

Can you use numbers to create other numbers?

Total Time Required:
4 days, 1 hour per day
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (High)
Mathematics, Literacy
Developed By
EAA Team
Resources Required
Life Skills for Leading Life (Level 1)

The learner will learn about relationships, working together and creativity, which helps self-awareness and to develop appropriate skills they need at this age

Leading Question:

What life skills do you need to live a better life?

Total Time Required:
4 hours over 4 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (High)
Social Emotional Learning
Developed By
Dream a Dream
Resources Required
Probability Matters (Level 1)

The learner will explore the concept of chances and probability and learn how to calculate probability.

Leading Question:

Can you design a game using probability?

Total Time Required:
5 hours over 4 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (Medium)
Mathematics, Social Sciences, Science, Art and Design
Developed By
EAA Team
Resources Required
Grandmother's Tale (Level 1)

Learners will record folk stories and songs that are part of their heritage and culture from the elders in the families. Learners will get a chance to retell this story after modernizing it into a book or an oral story.

Leading Question:

What can we learn from our elders?

Total Time Required:
~5 hours in 5 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (High)
Literacy, Art and Design
Developed By
EAA Team
Resources Required
Money Matters (Level 1)

The learner will explore the concept of money and understand how it evolved over time


Why do we value money?

Total Time Required:
4 hours over 4 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (High)
Mathematics, Social Sciences
Developed By
EAA Team
Resources Required
Flood Management (Level 1)

Learners will explore some of the most frequent natural disasters by beginning to understand their causes and far-reaching effects. They will research the effect of the natural disaster on plants, animals and people, and design an emergency response kit including safety guides and disaster kits

Leading Question:

Can you manage a flood in your community?

Total Time Required:
~4 hours over 5 days
Self-guided / Supervised activity:
Supervised (Medium)
Mathematics, Social Sciences, Literacy
Developed By
EAA Team
Resources Required